It bills itself with
Get updates from thought leaders - right on your homepage. Let's leave aside disturbing questions like
Why do I need or want someone to lead my thoughts? and just illustrate the content.
It includes deep ruminations on things like "Web 2.0", "How a Healthier Lifestyle Will Reduce the Deficit", "Responsible Social Media" and "5 Cocktail Recipes to Start Your Friday Night". These are the thoughts we are being lead to.
Finally, I present to you examples of Thought Leaders, as expressed by LinkedIn:
"The State of California requires me to notify you that
I am a registered sex offender" |
"Jeff if you keep making that face one day its just going to.... oh." |
Author of such notables as "Dumpster Diving for Interview Clothing" and "A Single Lady's
Guide to Caring for One Dozen Cats or More" |
Sure, Don's Forehead has been used as a reflective surface
by NASA, but is it a Thought Leader? |
That's it. I can't come up with a way to mock this more effectively then just copying and pasting what I have found.