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Showing posts from October, 2015

I just became a member of Open Knowledge Labs

Among the many pies I have my thumbs into at the moment, I am particularly interested in using technology to bring greater transparency to government. One of the most prominent problems as it relates to government transparency might be surprising: while most people immediately think of deliberate secrecy as the pre-eminent threat of transparency, simple dysfunction plays at least as large a role in preventing public access to state records. Immense troves of data remain solely available on ink & paper. Information that has been computerized remains in private intranets. Even data that is online, organized and available remains in a format that prevents semantic contextualization - either by storing documents in image files (TIFF) or difficult to decipher compressed formats (PDF or XPS). And in the rare cases where government agencies have made information public, semantically decipherable and accessible over the internet the problem remains of indexing that data using a common s...

Fedora Project's RHEL yum repo has been throwing errors since yesterday UPDATED

A few of my Red Hat servers run cron jobs to check for updates. starting yesterday (Thursday October 1st, 2015) at around 3PM I encountered 503 unavailable errors when attempting to contact a Fedora Project URL that hosts the metalink for the  rhui-REGION-rhel-server-releases repository - a core RHEL repository for EC2. Could not get metalink  error was 14: HTTPS Error 503 - Service Unavailable 3 hours later or so, the URL began responding again, but the problems remained. `yum` now reports corrupted update announcements from the repo: Update notice RHSA-2014:0679 (from rhui-REGION-rhel-server-releases) is broken, or a bad duplicate, skipping. You should report this problem to the owner of the rhui-REGION-rhel-server-releases repository. Update notice RHSA-2014:1327 (from rhui-REGION-rhel-server-releases) is broken, or a bad duplicate, skipping. Update notice RHEA-2015:0372 (from rhui-REG...