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Showing posts with the label 301 redirect

Florida Division of Elections moved all of their campaign finance records and forgot to tell anyone

It's almost like .... they don't want people to look at the financial records for election candidates. For quite some time now, if you were a reporter or opposition researcher or political consultant and you wanted to dig up some dirt on a political candidate in Florida you would spend at least some time on the Florida Department of State's Division of Elections website. On that website was an application that I have always referred to as "Dodo", because its URL was and thanks to the miracle of modern browsers, typing "Dodo" into the address bar would usually get me there sooner or later. Dodo was the place to go to lookup campaign contribution records for both candidates and political committees (of which the most commonly known is a PAC) registered in the State of Florida. So you can imagine my surprise when, just for kicks, I decided to pay Dodo a visit and found this: Maybe I made a mistake. I looked up one of the boo...