UPDATE March 1st, 2017 : I'm glad to see that people are finding this helpful, and thanks to everyone that has contacted me here or via email. Just to be clear, though, the script on GitHub works much better than what I describe here in this post. The idea for this post was to describe the basics of how to get IP aliasing working in EC2 w/out using Amazon's weirdo linux distro, and I wrote it about a while before I posted the script to GitHub . If you want functional code with step-by-step instructions, goto the aliaser GitHub repo . I just don't have the time to rewrite the post each time I (or someone else) has an update for the script. Also, if you have feature requests or feedback, it will be easier for me to get back to you on GitHub than here ... especially if you have something specific you want added or that doesn't work. Also, just FYI, I added a systemd .service file to the script in the aliaser GitHub repo a year ago. IIRC its LFB compatible so should wo...