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Showing posts with the label CVE-2014-4113

CrowdStrike founder George Kurtz made some outrageous claims in Fortune Magazine this week

George Kurtz has quite the resume. Perhaps you remember the time he spent at McAfee, a company founded by a drug-addled heavily-armed lunatic and maybe murderer whose recent contributions to infosec include being one of the handful of companies to use BSAFE encryption library in their products , the library famously back-doored by government security contractors/prostitutes RSA for a National Security Agency check in the amount of $10 million . Or perhaps you arm more familiar with his time as Chief Financial Officer of General Motors, whose flagship "IT" product, OnStar, is best known to actual security researchers as the government tracking device that allows police to disable your car remotely and quite likely kill you in the process. Did I say police? Because I meant basically anybody who has a computer and can read. And did I say disable? Because I also meant unlock the car and start the engine . George Kurtz is to the information technology community what Bull Connor ...