Its been quite some time since I've received a 419 spam message in my inbox. But - like matter itself - 419 never dies - only changes form. I found the message below in my inbox this morning. I was pleased to note that the message originated from Yahoo, and contained several classic red flags for spam that even the neophyte mail server admin knows to watch out for, like from & reply-to headers with different different domains. This is the kind of l33t security I've come to expect from Yahoo. But hey, the Russians did it , and no one can be expected to secure their customers from state sponsored attacks. Susan here is no doubt a member of Nigeria's elite NIA . From: Susan ***** desmondwilliams614 Subject: Hello, Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017 12:12:52 +0000 (UTC) Reply-To: desmondwilliams614 Susan ***** deswill0119 Hello, Greetings. With warm heart I offer my friendship and greetings, and I hope that this mail will meets you in good time. Ho...