There has been grumblings since July that some of the folks over at LHC may have discovered a new fundamental particle: the dicharm tetraquark . From Quanta Magazine: [Igor] Polyakov went away and double-checked his analysis of data from the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment, which the Syracuse group is part of. The evidence held. It showed that a particular set of four fundamental particles called quarks can form a tight clique, contrary to the belief of most theorists. The LHCb collaboration reported the discovery of the composite particle, dubbed the double-charm tetraquark, at a conference in July and in two papers posted earlier this month that are now undergoing peer review. Everybody loves a new particle. But early results from the LHC have jumped the gun before. And there is a debate about what exactly the LHC results mean. The leading alternative explanation at this point is the observation detected not a new composite particle but a...